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The Guides

The Guides


Here you'll find comprehensive step-by-step guides, compiled by professionals with years of hands on experience.

Our aim is to provide practical information and advice on a range of topics, for example starting or running a business ( Starting a Yoga Business , Starting an Accountancy Firm ).

These guides are written by industry veterans, so not only will this enable anyone to start and successfully run a business, but also avoid the common mistakes in running a company.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Not to worry – we update and add new guides all the time. If you have a specific question, our experienced team will be happy to help. Give them a call on 0800 988 3223 .

If you'd like to request a guide, send us an email at info@blueskyformations.com with the subject "Guide Request".

Please remember to include your name, email address and as much information about what you'd like covered in the guide.