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Service Address for Directors

Service Address for Directors

Directors Service Address

Companies House requires that Directors file two addresses; their residential address and a service address. The Directors service address is made public whilst the residential address remains confidential. When Companies House needs to contact the Director of a company, they will use the service address, not the residential address.

Your residential address and service address can be one and the same, however you might want to keep your residential address confidential. If you would like your residential address to stay off the public register, then our London address will provide the confidentiality you require. We will then forward all Directors statutory mail with no additional postage charges to your specified address.

Why would I use your London Directors service address facility?

  • Privacy: Keep your residential address off the public register but still receive all the statutory mail from Companies House.
  • Prestige: Whenever Companies House needs to contact the Director of a company, they will write to the Service Address held on the public register.

For complete privacy, please look at our registered office service.


This service has an annual fee. The price is dependent on whether you select our high-end Central London address or our North London address.

Item Cost
London Director Service Address (per year) £33.60
Central London Mail Director Service Address (per year) £60

Proof of ID

Due to our legal obligations in complying with the Anti-Money Laundering regulations, we must verify the identity and address for any customer taking our Directors service address service. We will attempt to do so using an electronic online lookup function, but if this is unsuccessful, we will contact you outlining what hardcopy documents we require.

NB: All mail addressed to the officer (excluding parcels) will be forwarded to your specified forwarding address on the day it is received.